Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. How can I compare two regressions, to see how many tests passed/failed and which Signatures they contain?

    See Regression Compare.

  2. Does Simscope support multiple Bugs on a single Signature?

    Yes. You need to either create multiple rules (one for each Bug within the Signature, or manually assign jobs within the Signature to each bug.

    • Now Simscope will track each of those bugs against the signature
  3. Why not link multiple bugs within a single rule? For example, Rule #1249.1 has Bugs SIM-44 and FLOW-52?

    Simscope tracks these separately, so they can be Resolved separately. Otherwise, you would have to resolve both bugs simultaneously.

  4. How can I see all bugs linked to all signatures on a single page?

    Use the Triage Report.

    • This report breaks down by bug, and will show all bugs and signatures on a single summary page.
  5. How can a Lead have a Summary report of Rule changes for his block?

See the Rule Log page (this page is currently undocumented, but you can link to it below). This log shows all Rule changes for a component for the specified date range.

  1. How can I rerun all the fails from a Signature?

    From the Signature Job Search page:

    • Check all jobs
    • Click the Testlist button
    • Copy/paste the results into a text file
  2. How can I rerun the shortest simulation in a Signature?

    From the Signature Job Search page:

    • Click the Cycles column to sort by simulation cycles, or the Runtime column, to sort by runtime. Then the top job is the shortest.
  3. How can I search the Tests run in my component for the past month, to see if a specific test ever passed?

    There's a Simscope API for this. This can be dumped into a CSV/TSV file for analysis in scripts or Excel.

  4. We imported a bad Regression, which had fails we don't care about. How can we get rid of it (ie delete it)?

    Tank the Regression.

  5. My Signature has changed titles, and I want to make the old rule work on the new Signature. What do I do?

    Simscope currently only allows each Rule to apply to one Signature. So if a Signature changes title, the user needs to make a new Rule on the new Signature.

  6. Does Simscope allow multiple Rules and/or multiple Signatures with the same Bug number?

    Yes. Simscope allows any number of Rules and Signatures to link to a single Bug.