Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Regression Gantt Chart

The Regression Gantt Chart is a Gantt chart showing each job launch within a Regression, which allows either viewing or optimization regression performance.

  • This enables debugging of lagging jobs (bottlenecks), which are stalling completion of a regression.
  • This view can be used to remove or shorten long-running jobs, or to reschedule long jobs to run as early as possible.

See also Histogram.

Gantt Chart Example

This example shows a Gantt chart for a 600-job regression:


  • If the Lagging Job can be removed, shortened, or re-ordered, the regression duration would shrink.

Accessing the Gantt Chart

To access the Gantt Chart:

  • Go to any Regression Details page.
  • Hover over the Charts button.
  • Click the Gantt link.

See the screenshot below:

Regression links

Filtering Jobs

By default, this shows all jobs in the Gantt chart. You can filter by any test field, to make charts of sections of a regression. For example, pass or fail jobs only, or a specific build, or test group.

Gantt Sorting

By default, the rows are sorted by End Timestamp ascending. This means the bottom-most row is the lagging job.

Alternatively, you can sort by:

  • Start Timestamp
  • Title
  • Total/Average Duration
  • Score
  • Number of Jobs

Gantt Grouping

By default, Gantt shows one bar per job. You can alternatively group jobs together into group-based gantt bars, to enable viewing simultaneous data. Choices:

  • Test Config
  • Test Name
  • Build
  • Test Group

For example, this Gantt chart is Grouped by Build.

Grouped gantt

  • Note the colors of the gantt rows indicate the Score (ie combined Pass Rate) of the group.

Gantt by Job Hostname

Gantt charts can be grouped by Job Hostname.

  • This chart can be used to isolate poor performing compute hosts.
