Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Saved Searches

Simscope allows creating Saved search configurations based on the current search filters, in many of the Simscope sections:

This allows quickly jumping between different search configurations, similar to browser bookmarks.

Group Searches

Searches can be optionally saved into groups, to allow sharing.

This example shows a user who is a member of 3 user groups, and searches are organized under them:

Group searches


When saving searches, users can set the visibility of the search.

PrivateCurrent user and AdministratorsCurrent user and Administrators.
GlobalAll usersAdministrators and Managers
GroupAll users in Group and administratorsUser, managers in Group, and Administrators.

For example, you can make a DV group that the DV team can use to share searches, or a uart group, etc.


Saved searches

  • In Regressions, you could create a Last 7 Days search, to see the status of smoke regressions in the last 7 days, or a Unit Status to see the latest runs of a specific unit.

  • In Signatures, you could create CPU Triaged and CPU Untriaged search configurations to show signatures that have been triaged, and need to be triaged.

To Save a search:

  • Set your search filters in the left side of the page (e.g. branch, days, etc).
  • Click the green Save icon in the top-left corner of the page.
  • Type a name to remember the search as.
  • Optional: choose a Group to save the search within.
  • Click Save.

Viewing saved searches

To Delete a search:

  • Click Select icon in the top-left corner.
  • Click the Trash icon next to the search you want to delete.

Note that normal users can only delete their own searches.

Saved Search Visibility (Private, Global, Group)

Admin: enable Group-Based Search Sharing

To enable private/group/global sharing in Simscope, this feature requires setting enablesharing = true in your simscope.config file:

# Enable group-based saved search sharing visibility.
# If enabled, the default search is private, but can be shared among other users too.
# >
enablesharing = true

Admin: User Groups

Administrators can Bulk Join or Leave Groups for users.

Public Searches

Simscope shows the current user's searches in the blue navigation bar at the top of the page.

You can load other user's searches by clicking the Select icon in the top-left corner.

Viewing saved searches