Knowledge Base Administration Guide


Simscope tracks Issues, which are a superset of Bugs and Tags.

Issues link to:


Issue Diagram

Uses of Issues in Simscope

Simscope can answer questions such as:

#1. Which Signatures are assigned to bug RTL-401?

View a list of all signatures and assignments on this bug.

#2. Which Issues is alice.anderson working on?

View a list of all signatures, rules, and assignments for Alice.

#3. How can I resolve all Signatures linked to bug 49832?

Simscope can resolve issues based on a fix ID.


See Bugs.


In Simscope, Tags are the same as Bugs, except named with a . prefix. Simscope renders them with a different icon, and do not link back to a bug tracking system.

Tags are useful to categorize and describe failures, without have an active bug associated.

Example tag name: .underflow


Issues can only be named with:

  • alphanumeric characters
  • - hyphen, _ underscore
  • . dot (aka period)

Issues are categorized as a Bug, unless they are prefixed with a . (dot).

Issues containing characters not matching the list above are not allowed. For example, $fail is invalid.

Example Issue Names

IssueIssue Type
my bugillegal (spaces)

Resolving Issues

Simscope allows jobs, signatures, and rules marked with an active issue to be resolved. This follows the Rule Resolve flow, and requires a Branch and Fix ID to resolve against.