Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Pie Charts

Pie charts are useful at showing ratios or comparisons of aggregated data.

X Axis

Pie charts do not have an X-axis, so all data will be totaled, across the selected time range into a single pie chart.

  • For example: a 30-day (or 1-year) time range will accumulate all matching results into a single pie chart.

Note: to visualize changes over time with an X-axis, a Stacked Area Chart is often a better choice than a Pie chart.

Example Pie Charts

Compute Time, by Component

This example shows the percentage of compute time each cpu component is using, for the past 30 days.

  • cpu_core_alu is using the most, at 55.6%
  • cpu_core_frontend is using the least, at 5.1%



Chart FieldValue
MetricCompute Days
Chart TypePie
Componententer a regex
X AxisDaily
Group Series ByComponent

Signature Classification

This example shows the percentage of failures for the past 30 days, grouped by Signature Classification.



Chart FieldValue
Chart TypePie
X AxisDaily
Group Series BySignature Classification

Signature Triage State

This chart shows the percentage of signatures, grouped by their Triage State, for the past 30 days.

  • 78.6% are NEW
  • 7.1% are ASSIGNED
  • etc.



Chart FieldValue
Chart TypePie
X AxisDaily
Group Series BySignature State

Pie chart with custom series groups

This chart shows the number of fails per Signature for the past 10 weeks, with 2 custom series groups:

  • sig0
  • sig1
  • (all other series) is an automatic series group, to match the remaining signatures.


Note that the groups are ordered as pie slices, in a clockwise direction, beginning at top of the pie.


Chart FieldValue
Chart TypePie
X AxisWeekly (or could be daily)
Group Series BySignature Title

Pie chart with custom series groups, sorted by value

This pie chart is identical to the above Pie chart, except the Sort by value checkbox has been clicked.

  • Note the pie slices are ordered by value (in descending order), in a clockwise direction around the pie.

Pie sorted