Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Advanced Grouping: Custom Series Buckets

By default, Chart Grouping uses the raw value of the Group By metric to form each series.

For example, if a series is grouped by Build and there are the following four unique build values found in the matching data:

  • 1c
  • 2c
  • 4c
  • 8c

Then Simscope would create four unique series on the chart.

  • Notice this example has a blank Series Buckets, and 4 series were automatically created on the chart.

Series Buckets Auto

Series Bucket Format

If you want to combine data from series together, to create a grouped series, this is done via setting Series Bucket to a comma-delimited list of bucket patterns.

  • Note: each pattern is a regular expression, so you can use the PIPE | operator to perform an OR-expression

Series Buckets Example

In the above example, if you want to split the data into two series instead of four:

  • 1c (single-core)
  • 2c or 4c or 8c (multi-core combined series)

You can set the Series Buckets to:

  • 1c,2c|4c|8c

Here is an example chart showing the same data using two Series Buckets:

Series Buckets

Series Rename (Labelling)

To improve the display within charts, you can rename individual series, using the format:

  • LABEL can be lowercase, uppercase, or a combination.

For example, to rename the series regex patterns: lint|simLocal and testCloud:

Local=lint|sim, Cloud=test

Example chart with renamed series:

Series Rename

Discard Series

If you would like to filter-out and discard data, append your series list with a ! series.

For example, to match 2 series and then discard everything else:

  • In this example, if 4c is seen, it will be automatically discarded.

Wildcard Series Expansion

If you would like to make custom series patterns, and then wildcard expand everything else, append a * series.

For example, to make two specific buckets, and then have the remainder automatically expand:


In this example, if 6c and 8c data are seen, Simscope will automatically expand to make 2 additional series buckets:

  • 1c|2c
  • 4c
  • 6c
  • 8c

As a comparison, if you omitted the wildcard, by default Simscope will combine the overflow data into a single (all other series):

  • 1c|2c
  • 4c
  • (all other series)