Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Chart Time Period (X-Axis)

Simscope has a few options for X-Axis Time Period precision.

Time Precision ranges from Weekly (lowest precision) → Regression (highest precision)


Weekly Time Period

Weekly charts are useful for showing long-term data (across up to a year of data). Weekly charts smooth out the day-to-day noise, to show more consistent charts.

Each X-axis point represents a single week's worth of data.


This uses the ISOWeek format, with a 2-digit year and a 2-digit week:

  • yy-W ww
    • yy = YEAR (2-digit)
    • ww = WEEK (2-digit)

Example week:

  • 21-W04
    • The fourth week of 2021
    • Jan 25, 2021Jan 31, 2021

Daily Time Period

Daily charts render each day as different point on the X axis. These charts are useful for short-term, more detailed charts.

The date range can be changed for shorter or longer charts (ie 7-day, 30-day, 60-day).

Regression chart

Regression (Scatter Plot)

Regression precision charts are similar to Daily except it plots each individual data point on a line, using a scatter-plot.

  • Note the chart below has many individual blue and green intra-day dots.

For example, if you have 10 regressions on a single day, this will show 10 data points on a line.

  • Whereas a Daily chart would average (or sum) the 10 regressions into one data point.

Regression chart

Note: Regression-period charts should almost always be used with Line charts