Knowledge Base Administration Guide


To view multiple charts simultaneously on a single page, you can create Dashboards in Simscope.

Here is a sample My Dashboard with 9 charts:

Sample Dashboard

How to Create a Dashboard

→ See Editing Dashboards

How to Download/Upload Dashboard from a Scriopt

  • To download a dashboard (including charts), use:
  • To upload a dashboard (including charts), use:

Template Dashboards

Template Dashboards enable cloning a Template Dashboard (ie the parent) into multiple Child Dashboards, while making automatic replacements to the chart parameters inside it.

For example, you can create a Unit Dashboard and then clone it to:

  • fpu Dashboard
  • alu Dashboard
  • etc.

Then all child dashboards will have the same charts, except with different component data.

Example Template

Template Dashboard:

This is a sample Unit Dashboard with 3 charts.


cpu_core Child Dashboard:

The chart has been cloned with all cpu_core charts replaced with gpu.


Cloning a Dashboard Template

Note: This requires an API Token to access.

To clone a dashboard:

  1. Create a series of generic charts, using a single component.
  2. Instantiate the charts into a Template Dashboard (choose any name).
  3. To clone the dashboard, use the command:
> bin/ --dashboard="username/fpu Dashboard"
  --source_template="johnny/Unit Dashboard"
  --replace "unit=fpu" --replace "Unit=fpu"
  • Note: you can replace multiple chart parameters using multiple --replace arguments

→ If successful, you will have a new fpu Dashboard with fpu charts.