Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Signature Search

Simscope has a powerful Signature search engine, which can quickly find signatures, and show counts of hits within a filter context.


Example Searches

  1. Show all simulation signatures seen in the past 7 days containing a title TB, across all components.
  2. Show all signatures linked to bug 4129, which are ASSIGNED
  3. Show the top signatures seen in the past 3 days for component usb.


Simscope has a number of Signature filters available:

TitleFind signatures containing a specific titleregister mismatch in title
Title ExcludingExclude signatures containing a specific titleexclude overflow titles
RegexSwitch title search to use Regular Expressions vs. LIKE queryregex mode
BranchSpecific branchdefault
CategoriesOne or more signature categoriessimulation signatures
ComponentSpecific componentcache
Date RangeSpecific date rangelast 3 days, or 2017-01-02 to 2017-01-08
StateSpecific statesonly NEW signatures
IssueSignatures containing an Issueonly RTL-412
UserSignatures seen by a specific useronly fred.martin


Signature results can also be sorted by:

  • Count
  • State
  • Title
  • Newest
  • Oldest