Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Issue Designations

Each Issue can have an optional Designation, which is a grouping system.

For example:

  • Bug SIM-13 is designated as RTL
  • Bug SIM-25 is designated as DV

Styling Issues

After issues have been designated, a custom display style can be set, using HTML CSS, which will style issues on screen. This can be used, as an example, to show a DV icon beside all DV issues.


Custom CSS file

Styling the issues is based on a custom CSS file. Here is an example:

a.extbug.resolved {
    color: #777!important;
    text-decoration: line-through;

a.extbug.DV:before {
    content: "DV"!important;

Setting Issue Designations

Designation is hooked in via API or with a built-in Python script called simscope-issue-update.

Note the date format is RFC3339.

> simscope-issue-update --help
Usage: simscope-issue-update ISSUEID [OPTIONS...]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --addr=ADDR           Simscope address: hostname:port
  --apitoken=APITOKEN   Simscope API token
  --list                List Simscope issues
  -v, --verbose         Verbose mode

  Issue fields:
                        Issue designation
    --project=PROJECT   Issue project
                        Issue component
    --title=TITLE       Issue title
    --state=STATE       Issue state
                        Issue priority
    --created=CREATED   Creation timestamp
    --updated=UPDATED   Update timestamp
                        Resolution timestamp

Here is an example:

> simscope-issue-update BUG123 --title="Assertion in GPIO logic" --project="My Proj" --designation DV --state=in-progress --priority=blocker --resolved=2017-06-11T22:30:53+07:00