Knowledge Base Administration Guide

Chart Aggregations

Data Tables and Heatmaps are useful charts to improve visualization if you have many discrete series.

  • Compared to a Line chart, Heatmaps can render 20 unique series and still be viewable by human eyes.

Limitations: this chart type cannot use a per-regression (scatter plot) time scale.

Data Table

Data Tables render all values in a tabular format. Each series is split into its own line.

  • These are useful to see all values on a chart simultaneously.

This example chart shows daily cycles simulated, grouped by build:



Heatmaps are the same charts as Data Tables, except they colorize based on values, to make changes easier to spot visually.

This example chart shows daily pass rate:

  • Notice green, yellow, and orange colors
  • This has a special color map which ranges from black (0%) to green (100%)


Daily Cycles Heatmap

This chart shows total cycles simulated per day, grouped by component.

  • Note the hot colors are red, and the cold colors are white.
  • The largest week was 1.9 billion (ie brightest red).
  • This is a 20-day chart.


Daily Signatures Heatmap

This chart shows total daily Signatures, grouped by component.

  • Note the hot colors are red, and the cold colors are white.
  • Blank squares mean there were either no signatures (or no simulations) on that date.
  • This is a 30-day chart.


Advanced: Regression Pass Rate by ModelVersion

This chart shows component pass rate, where the X-axis is by model version (ie checkin).

  • Note the X-axis is not days, but is each individual checkin (SHA).
  • This is useful for seeing how checkins affect each unit.

For example, the red box highlights SHA 5f4b110, and where 3 separate regressions were simulated against this same model version.
