Rule Nag
Rule Nag is a feature to notify users of Bugs which are likely needing to be resolved in Simscope, based on comparing:
- Simscope Triage Bug State (via Rules/Assignments)
- External Bug Tracker State (e.g. JIRA state)
Resolving Inconsistencies
For example, if bug CORE-204
is resolved in JIRA, and there is an active Rule in Simscope on it, then:
- Simscope will display the bug as Inconsistent (ie needs to be Reconciled).
For this scenario, the likely resolution is to Resolve the Rules on this bug.
- Alternatively, if a fail has returned into Simscope after a bug has been resolved externally, the resolution could be to open a new bug (or to re-open an existing bug).
Rule Nag List
To view the Rule Nag list:
- In the top blue bar, click Rules.
- Click the Nag List button at the top of the page.
The Rule Nag page now shows data for the current Simscope user by default.
Rule Nag sends automatic daily notification emails (nag emails) to users, to notify them that they have one or more rules which are inconsistent.
Sample Rule Nag email
Administrators: to enable Rule Nag emails, see the Administration Guide.
Here is a sample email, notifying the user to resolve SIM-11
Bug Autoresolve
If Bug Autoresolve is enabled, this is an automatic mechanism for Simscope to resolve rules when an external bug has been resolved/closed..
- If this feature is enabled, generally the rule nag list will be irrelevant, because rules will be resolved automatically in Simscope.